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Chelsea Manning Released From Prison After Seven Years

Chelsea Manning Released from Prison After Seven Years

Former U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst and Wikileaks Source Sentenced to 35 Years

Manning's Sentence Commuted by President Obama in 2017

Chelsea Manning, the former U.S. Army intelligence analyst who leaked a trove of secret military and diplomatic documents to the website Wikileaks, was released from prison on Wednesday after serving seven years of a 35-year sentence.

Manning's sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama in 2017 after she had served seven years in a military prison. She was initially convicted of 21 charges, including espionage and theft of government property, but her sentence was later reduced to 35 years on appeal.

Manning's case drew international attention and sparked a debate about the limits of government secrecy and the role of whistleblowers. Her supporters argued that she was a whistleblower who exposed wrongdoing by the U.S. government, while her critics accused her of treason and putting American lives at risk.

Manning's release from prison is a victory for her supporters, who have campaigned for her freedom for years. It is also a significant moment for the debate about government transparency and the role of whistleblowers.
